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If you have received a repayment claim

If you have received money from CSN that you were not entitled to, you have to pay it back. In this case, you will receive a repayment claim. This may e.g. be due to you having interrupted your studies or receiving too high an income. Here you will find information about costs, rules and what happens if you do not pay.

Contact CSN if anything changes

If you have received money from CSN that you are not entitled to, you have to pay it back. This may e.g. be due to you having interrupted your studies, having had an invalid absence (skipped school) or receiving too high an income. You should therefore always remember to tell us if anything happens that might affect your entitlement to student finance.

Paying the repayment claim with interest and a handling charge

In addition to the amount you have to pay back, you will also have to pay interest on the claim. In 2024, the interest rate is 3,12 per cent. You can deduct this from your tax return.

We also levy a handling charge for claims. This amounts to SEK 100 per claim per year, and it applies to claims for all forms of student finance apart from apprenticeship allowance.

If you have received a repayment claim, you should make payment to bank giro number 5175-4158.

Avoiding repayment claims

You are required to provide correct information to CSN. If you are attending upper secondary school, you must have full attendance. Read more about the rules regarding your student finance to find out how to avoid receiving a repayment claim.

For individuals below the age of 20 who are studying at upper secondary school, the following changes may affect your study allowance:

  • if you interrupt your studies
  • if you have skipped school
  • if you have never started studying
  • if your family situation has changed in such a way that the entitlement to supplementary allowance and boarding supplement is affected.

The school is responsible for notifying CSN of these changes. If we do not receive notice of the changes quickly enough, we may end up paying out money that you are not entitled to, in which case you will receive a repayment claim.

Who receives the repayment claim?

If you are a minor when you receive a repayment claim, we will send the ruling to the parent to whom we paid out the money. If you have a guardian other than your parent, we will send the ruling about the recovery order to that guardian. Your parent or other guardian is then responsible for paying back the repayment claim. From the age of 18, you are personally responsible for paying back the repayment claim.

If you are receiving student aid to study at university college, vocational college, Komvux, folk high school or upper secondary school, you are responsible for ensuring that CSN has the right information about you. For example, the following changes may affect your student aid:

  • if you have interrupted your studies
  • if you have studied less than the amount stated in your student aid ruling
  • if your income has been higher than the amount you notified to CSN.

Remember to report to CSN as soon as possible if anything happens that might affect your entitlement to student aid. In this way, you reduce the risk of receiving a repayment claim.

If you are receiving an education entry grant for studies at Komvux or folk high school, you are responsible for ensuring that CSN has the right information about you. For example, the following changes may affect your education entry grant:

  • if you have interrupted your studies
  • if you have studied less than the amount stated in your education entry grant ruling
  • if your income has been higher than the amount you notified to CSN.

Remember to report to CSN as soon as possible if anything happens that might affect your entitlement to an education entry grant. In this way, you reduce the risk of receiving a repayment claim.

Are you having difficulty paying?

You normally have to pay the entire repayment claim in one go, at the latest by the date specified on the paying-in slip. Call us if you are having difficulty paying, and we will look at your financial situation. In certain cases, you may be given a payment plan and be permitted to split up the payment.

Contact us

What happens if I don’t pay?

If you do not pay your repayment claim on time, we will send you a reminder. If you do not pay after receiving the reminder, you will receive a demand note. If you fail to pay despite the reminder and the claim note, CSN will forward your case to the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden). This is referred to as CSN applying for an order for payment.

If your case goes to the Enforcement Authority, they will send you a payment claim (an order for payment). This is accompanied by a charge of SEK 680 and a fee to the Enforcement Authority.

If you have still not paid CSN, the Enforcement Authority will determine your debt in a ruling. This ruling will then form the basis for the Enforcement Authority being able to recover the debt. This is known as distraint. There is an additional charge of SEK 600 in association with distraint.

If your case is sent to the Enforcement Authority, you risk receiving a record of non-payment. The record of non-payment is then handled by a credit report company, such as UC and Kreditfakta. These credit report companies issue records of non-payment after having obtained information about unpaid debts from the Enforcement Authority.

It is possible to contest a case with the Enforcement Authority. If you consider that CSN’s claim is incorrect, you can contest the order for payment. If CSN considers that you should pay, we may request for the matter be handed over to the courts.

If the Enforcement Authority has announced a ruling, you can apply for a review of the ruling from the Enforcement Authority. This entails you applying for the case to be reviewed in court. There are additional costs for the legal proceedings at the District Court.

Updated: 2024-06-12
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