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Processing of personal data

Here you can read more about how CSN processes your personal data and the legal basis for this processing. You will also find information about your rights and contact information for our data protection officer.

Different purposes

CSN processes personal data for a number of different purposes and in several different parts of our activities. This processing is necessary for us to carry out our assignment to inform, administer, pay out, and manage the repayment of student finance, home equipment loans and driving license loans, and also produce statistics in the field of student finance. We also need to process personal data in our administrative activities, and in our capacity as a government agency.

General processing and the principle of access to official documents

Applications, letters, e-mails, and other messages sent to CSN will be registered as public documents. This also applies to applications and messages sent through My Pages. Public documents may be disclosed in accordance with the principle of public access to official documents. This means that the documents are public, and that the general public and the media are entitled to access their content.

If applications, letters, e-mails, or messages contain information that is covered by confidentiality, we are not permitted to disclose them to the public or the media. However, as a government agency, CSN must disclose information to other authorities according to special provisions on reporting requirements. In such circumstances, we also have to disclose confidential information.

The processing of personal data carried out in order to comply with the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act, the Archives Act, and the Administrative Procedure Act are supported by the legal basis of public interest in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

More information about the principle of access to official documents is available at the Government’s website (in Swedish)

Processing of personal data as it pertains to the payment of student finance, home equipment loans, and driving licence loans

CSN’s assignment is to administer and pay out student finance, home equipment loan, and driving license loans. We process personal data in order to be able to

  • process your case,
  • perform follow-ups to ensure that the information on which we base our payments to you is correct,
  • manage a potential request for a review or appeal.

If we suspect any errors

If we suspect that an error may have occurred, we need to process your personal data as part of our investigation regarding demand for non-entitled student finance or to report any irregularities within the student finance and driving licence loan activities, if we for example suspect benefit fraud.

Preventing incorrect payments

CSN actively works to prevent incorrect payments by method of data analyses and sample checking. This involves examining a selection of cases deemed to have increased risk of error, based on data analyses in student finance cases. Your data may be processed both for the purpose of achieving effective automatic control and in manual controls.

Processing personal data by automated means helps identify complex data connections that improve risk assessment in a particular case. This may include profiling in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, which means that predictions are made automatically based on individual circumstances in order to assess the risk of incorrect payments in your student finance case.


Personal data used to conduct follow-ups regarding our processing and to develop our activities in order to ensure that it remains as legally secure, efficient, and simple as possible. We might also use it in order to test our information system and conduct follow-ups to ensure that our employees do not abuse their authorisations.

How CSN processes personal data in different situations

Click the headings below to learn more about what personal data we process in different situations and how this personal data is managed.

There are several grants available to those in upper-secondary school or who are studying at upper-secondary level through other means, such as student grant, supplementary allowance, and boarding supplement. The collective name for these grants is study allowance (upper secondary student aid).

CSN receives information about all 16-year-olds who receive child allowance, and about their guardians from Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency).

In order for you to receive study allowance (upper secondary student aid), CSN needs to process personal data such as your name, personal identity number or coordination number. We also obtain this data from the Swedish Tax Agency. To determine who should be the recipient of study allowance (upper secondary student aid), we also process similar data for the legal guardians of children under the age of 18.

When you apply for supplementary allowance, we may also collect data regarding your and your parents’ income from Försäkringskassan.

We will collect data about your studies, what programme you are attending, and during which period from the education provider.

If you are a foreign citizen, we will obtain data about your citizenship and residence permit from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Data which we provide to others

We also provide data to other government agencies.

We provide Försäkringskassan with data regarding study periods and payments.

Since Swedbank handles study allowance (upper secondary student aid) payments, we provide them with data regarding the payment of study allowance (upper secondary student aid).

In order to ensure that the information in the population register is correct, CSN provides the Swedish Tax Agency with data regarding addresses, among other things, pursuant to the provisions in the Population Registration Act.

CSN provides data to card companies to enable them to distribute evidence of student finance for studies (discount cards).

Legal basis

The processing of personal data related to study allowance (upper secondary student aid) is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Swedish Student Finance Act, the Swedish Student Finance Regulation, the Student Finance Data Act (2009:287) (Studiestödsdatalagen), and the Student Finance Data Ordinance (2009:321) (Studiestödsdataförordningen).

Storage and deletion

We will process your data for three years after you have been granted study allowance (upper secondary student aid) or your application was rejected. Data that may be of importance in a new case regarding student finance or demand for non-entitled student finance will be processed until they can no longer be of such significance.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

In order for you to be able to receive student grants and loans, CSN must process personal data such as your name, national identity number, or coordination number. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

If you have a special representative, trustee, or guardian who handles matters related to you, we also need to process the personal data of this person.

Family circumstances may be significant for the entitlement to extra child allowance, which is why we in these cases process the personal data of your children and the other guardian.

We obtain information regarding your income from the Swedish Tax Agency in order to check whether your income has exceeded the income limit for student grants and loans, and whether you are entitled to a supplementary loan.

We collect data regarding your admission to studies from the Swedish Council for Higher Education and from education providers. Data about your studies, what programme you are attending, and during which period are supplied by the education provider. In order to check whether you have met the study result requirements, we collect data from the education provider.

We obtain data regarding compensation from Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) in order to see if any compensation you may have received is of any significance to your entitlement to student grants and loans.

If you are a foreign citizen, we obtain information regarding your citizenship and residence permit from the Swedish Migration Agency in order to check whether you are entitled to student grants and loans.

If you fall ill during your studies, we will obtain data regarding your situation from Försäkringskassan in order to be able to pay out student grants and loans during your illness.

Data which we provide to others

CSN also provides your personal data to other government agencies and organisations.

We provide Försäkringskassan with data about individuals with student finance or interruptions to the person’s studies. We also provide data about granted student finance to social welfare boards as this may be significant to your entitlement to compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)or the social welfare board.

Since Swedbank handles student grant and loan payments, we provide them with data regarding the payment of student grants and loans.

In order to check that different benefits are not being paid out at the same time, we provide the unemployment insurance funds with data regarding the payment of student finance.

We provide the Swedish Tax Agency with data about addresses and income statements regarding interest on demands for non-entitled student finance.

In order to ensure that the information in the population register is correct, CSN provides the Swedish Tax Agency with data regarding addresses, among other things, pursuant to the provisions in the Population Registration Act.

We provide data to card companies to enable them to distribute evidence of student finance for studies (discount cards).

Legal basis

The processing of personal data related to the assessment of applications for student grants and loans is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Swedish Student Finance Act, the Swedish Student Finance Regulation, the Student Finance Data Act (2009:287) (Studiestödsdatalagen), and the Student Finance Data Ordinance (2009:321) (Studiestödsdataförordningen).

Storage and deletion

If you have taken out a loan with us, we will delete your personal data no later than two years after you have paid off your loan or after the debt has been settled in some other way. If you have only received grants, we will delete your personal data no later than three years after we last paid out student finance or rejected your application. Data that may be of importance in a new case regarding student finance or demand for non-entitled student finance will be processed until they can no longer be of such significance.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

In order for you to be able to receive education entry grants, CSN must process personal data such as your name, national identity number, or coordination number. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Your education entry grant application is provided to us by your home municipality. Data about your studies, what programme you are attending, and during which period are supplied by the education provider. In order to check whether you have met the study result requirements, we collect data from the education provider.

If you are a foreign citizen, we will obtain data about your citizenship and residence permit from the Swedish Migration Agency.

If you have a special representative or trustee, we also need to process the information of this individual.

If you fall ill during your studies, we will obtain data regarding your situation from Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) in order to be able to pay out education entry grants during your illness.

We obtain information regarding your income from the Swedish Tax Agency in order to check whether your income has exceeded the income limit for education entry grants.

Data which we provide to others

CSN provides your personal data to other government agencies and organisations.

CSN provides Försäkringskassan with data about individuals with education entry grants or interruptions to the person’s studies. CSN also provides data about granted education entry grants to social welfare boards as this might affect your entitlement to compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)or the social welfare board. In order to check that different benefits are not being paid out at the same time, CSN provides the unemployment insurance funds with data regarding the payment of education entry grants.

Since Swedbank handles education entry grant payments, we provide them with data regarding the payment of education entry grants.

We provide the Swedish Tax Agency with data about addresses and income statements regarding interest on demands for non-entitled student finance

We provide data to card companies to enable them to distribute evidence of student finance for studies (discount cards).

Your family circumstances may be significant for the entitlement to extra child allowance. In such cases, we also process the personal data of your children and the other guardian.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data related to the assessment of applications for education entry grant is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Education Entry Grant Act (2017:527) (Lagen (2017:527) om studiestartsstöd), the Education Entry Grant Ordinance (2017:532) (Förordningen (2017:532) om studiestartsstöd), the Student Finance Data Act (2009:287) (Studiestödsdatalagen), and the Student Finance Data Ordinance (2009:321) (Studiestödsdataförordningen).

Storage and deletion

We will delete your personal data no later than three years after we last paid out education entry grants or rejected your application. Data that may be of importance in a new case regarding student finance or demand for non-entitled student finance will be processed until they can no longer be of such significance.

For you to receive student finance for transition and retraining, CSN must process personal data, such as your name, personal identity number and coordination number. We also collect such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.
If you have a limited conservator or administrator who must manage your affairs, we also need to process personal data regarding this person.

We collect information regarding your income from the Swedish Tax Agency in order to examine your application and carry out follow-up checks.

We collect information from your transition organisation regarding, among other things, supplementary student finance and the courses/study programmes you will attend that are funded by the transition organisation.

From the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency, we collect information regarding the studies and other circumstances of significance for your entitlement to student finance for transition and retraining.

We collect information regarding admission to studies from the Swedish Council for Higher Education and from education providers. We receive information regarding your studies, which courses/study programmes you attend and for how long from the education provider. To verify whether you have been awarded credits, we receive information from the education provider.

We retrieve information regarding annual income from the Social Insurance Agency, and we also retrieve information regarding any compensation in order to check whether you receive compensation that is of significance for your entitlement to student finance for transition and retraining.

If you are a foreign citizen, we will retrieve information regarding citizenship and residence permit from the Migration Agency to check whether you are entitled to student finance for transition and retraining.

If you fall ill during your studies, we retrieve information about this from the Social Insurance Agency in order to be able to pay out student finance for transition and retraining during illness.

Information that we provide to others

CSN also provides personal data to other public authorities and organisations.

We provide information regarding individuals receiving student finance for transition and retraining, and regarding interruptions to studies, to the Social Insurance Agency, because this may have significance for your entitlement to compensation from the Social Insurance Agency

We provide information to some transition organisations regarding, among other things, grants awarded, scope and income, so that they can make decisions regarding supplementary support.

As Swedbank manages the disbursement of student finance for transition and retraining, we provide them with information regarding the disbursement of student finance for transition and retraining.

In order to verify that different forms of compensation are not disbursed simultaneously, we provide information regarding the disbursement of student finance for transition and retraining to unemployment insurance funds.

We provide the Tax Agency with information regarding deducted preliminary tax and income statements regarding recovery interest paid.

In order for information in the population register to be correct, CSN provides the Tax Agency with information regarding, among other things, addresses in accordance with the rules set out in the Population Registration Act.

If you have a wage attachment, CSN will provide information regarding this to the Enforcement Authority.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data during the examination of an application for student finance for transition and retraining is supported by the legal basis of public interest, and as part of the exercise of official authority, in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in national law can be found in the Act on Student Finance for Transition and Retraining, the Ordinance on Student Finance for Transition and Retraining, the Swedish Student Finance Data Act and the Student Finance Data Ordinance.

Retention and data erasure

If you have borrowed from us, we must erase your personal data no later than two years after you have paid off your loan, or after the debt has been settled in some other way. If you have only received grants, we must erase your personal data no later than three years after we last paid you student finance or rejected your application. We process data that may be of significance in a new student finance case, or for recovery purposes, until it can no longer be of significance.

We retain certain personal data for statistical purposes (read more under the heading Retention and erasure of personal data).

In order to ensure you are granted a driving licence loan, CSN must process personal data such as your name, national identity number, or coordination number. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

CSN obtains data from the Swedish Employment Service to check whether you are a registered job seeker. CSN also obtains data from the Swedish Council for Higher Education to check whether you meet the requirements for an upper secondary diploma from an upper-secondary school or an equivalent.

Once you have been granted a driving licence loan, we submit your personal identity number or coordination number to the Swedish Transport Administration. CSN then receives information from the Swedish Transport Administration when you pay the agency for the theory and practical tests, or when you rent vehicles and when you have passed the theory and practical tests.

Once you have submitted your driving licence loan decision for the driving school, the driving school provides CSN with your personal data in order to enable us to pay out the loan.

Since Swedbank handles driving licence loan payments, we provide them with data regarding the payment of the driving licence loan.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data related to the assessment of applications for driving licence loan is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Driving Licence Loan Ordinance (“Förordningen (2018:1118) om körkortslån”), the Student Finance Data Act (2009:287), and the Student Finance Data Ordinance (2009:321).

Storage and deletion

We will delete your personal data no later than two years after you have paid off your loan or after the debt has been settled in some other way.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

In order for you to be granted a home equipment loan, CSN needs to process personal data such as your name, personal identity number, and address. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Since individuals who are married, cohabiting, or living under marriage-like conditions should apply for home equipment loans together, we obtain data concerning civil status from the Swedish Tax Agency.

When assessing your application, we obtain data regarding your civil status from the Swedish Migration Agency.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data related to the assessment of applications for home equipment loans is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Ordinance on Home Equipment Loans for Refugees and Certain Other Foreigners (1990:1361) (Förordningen (1990:1361) om lån till hemutrustning för flyktingar och vissa andra utlänningar).

In order for you to be able to receive study allowance for people with disabilities, CSN must process personal data such as your name, national identity number, or coordination number. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

CSN obtains data from your school, your home municipality and Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) in order to check if you are entitled to study allowance for people with disabilities.

The processing of personal data related to the assessment of applications for study allowance for people with disabilities is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in Regulation (1995:667) Regarding Subsidies to Certain Disabled Pupils in Upper-secondary School (Förordningen (1995:667) om bidrag till vissa funktionshindrade elever i gymnasieskolan).

We will delete your personal data three years after you last received a decision regarding study allowance for people with disabilities.

In order for you to be able to receive compensation for sign language training for parents, CSN must process personal data such as your name, national identity number, or coordination number. We will obtain such data from the Swedish Tax Agency.

The processing of personal data related to compensation for sign language training for parents is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Support in the national legislation can be found in the Ordinance on Government Support for Sign Language Training for Certain Parents (1997:1158) (Förordningen (1997:1158) om statsbidrag för teckenspråksutbildning för vissa föräldrar).

We will delete your personal data three years after the requisition of compensation for sign language training for parents and no earlier than the year during which the child turns 20.

We process personal data such as your name, personal identity number, and coordination number when you are asked to repay your loan. We will obtain data regarding addresses from the Swedish Tax agency.

If you are to repay a student loan what was paid out between 1 January 1989 and 30 June 2001, we will obtain data regarding your income from the Swedish Tax Agency in order to determine your annual amount.

If you do not pay the annual amount and the attached fees, CSN will process your personal data when the matter of the unpaid debts is submitted to the Enforcement Authority. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information. We will disclose the information about your case that is necessary for the Enforcement Authority to collect the claim as a public case.

If you live abroad, we may disclose this information to debt collection agencies or to courts in the country in question.

If you have paid a reduced fee due to your current income, we will obtain data from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding your income from employment, business activities and capital.

If you have taken out a loan with us, we will delete your personal data no later than two years after you have paid off your loan or after the debt has been settled in some other way.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

We process personal data such as your name, personal identity number, and coordination number when you are asked to repay your loan. We will obtain data regarding addresses from the Swedish Tax agency.

If you have been granted a driving licence loan, we will submit data regarding paid interest to the Swedish Tax Agency as the interest you pay for the driving licence loan is deductible.

If you have paid a reduced fee, we will obtain data from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding your income from employment, business activities and capital.

If you do not repay your loan, it will become necessary for CSN to process your personal data in order to establish a claim. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information. We will disclose the information about your case that is necessary for the Enforcement Authority or the courts to submit an application for an order for payment. We may disclose your data to authorised process servers to serve you with the order for payment. If you do not repay your loan, your personal data in our possession will be disclosed to the Enforcement Authority to enable them to collect the claim.

If you have taken out a loan with us, we will delete your personal data no later than two years after you have paid off your loan or after the debt has been settled in some other way.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

We process personal data such as your name and personal identity number when you are asked to repay your loan. We will obtain data regarding addresses from the Swedish Tax agency.

If you have been granted deferment or have paid a reduced fee, we will obtain data from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding your income from employment, business activities and capital.

If you do not repay your loan, it will become necessary for CSN to process your personal data in order to establish a claim. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information. We will disclose the information about your case that is necessary for the Enforcement Authority or the courts to submit an application for an order for payment. We may disclose your data to authorised process servers to serve you with the order for payment. If you do not repay your loan, your personal data in our possession will be disclosed to the Enforcement Authority to enable them to collect the claim.

If you request that a decision should be reviewed or appeal a decision, CSN needs to process your personal data in order to administer your case. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information.

If you are assisted by a relative or representative, we also need to process this person’s personal data.

We also need to process personal information that according to the regulations concerning student finance, education entry grants, driving licence loans, home equipment loans, study allowance for people with disabilities, and compensation for sign language training for parents are of import regarding the entitlement to the aid in question. More information available under the heading for each form of aid. We will also process the decision taken or the judgement pronounced as a result of your request for review or appeal.

If your case concerns an appeal to the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid or a court, we will disclose the information regarding your case to the extent required for the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid or court to assess your case.

Some information in addition to what is already available in the case subject to a review or appeal may be collected directly from the source, such as the Swedish Tax Agency, Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), the Swedish Migration Agency, or the education provider.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data when handling cases involving a review or appeal is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When CSN is processing a case for demand for non-entitled student finance, we need to process your personal information in order to administer your case. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information.

If you are assisted by a relative or representative, we also need to process this person’s personal data.

In addition to your contact information, we also need to process personal data that, pursuant to the statute that regulates the aid, is of import regarding the entitlement to the aid in question. More information available under the heading for each form of aid.

Some information in addition to what is already available in the base case may be collected directly from the source, such as the Swedish Tax Agency, Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), the Swedish Migration Agency, or the education provider.

Once you have repaid the demand for non-entitled student finance, we will submit data regarding interest on demands for non-entitled student finance to the Swedish Tax Agency as it is deductible.

If you do not repay your loan, it will become necessary for CSN to process your personal data in order to establish a claim. We need to process your name, personal identity number, and your contact information. We will disclose the information about your case that is necessary for the Enforcement Authority or the courts to submit an application for an order for payment. We may disclose your data to authorised process servers in order to serve you with the order for payment. If you do not repay your loan, your personal data in our possession will be disclosed to the Enforcement Authority to enable them to collect the claim.

Legal basis

The processing of personal data when handling cases involving a review or appeal is supported by the legal basis of public interest and as a part of the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Storage and deletion

Your personal data will be deleted no later than two years after the calendar year during which you repaid the demand for non-entitled student finance. However, we do not delete any data as long as you have unsettled debts with us, such as student loans.

Some personal data is stored for statistical purposes. More information about this can be found under the heading Storage and deletion of personal data.

CSN are in some situations using a signing portal, to sign documents electronically. When doing that we process personal data such as name, personal identity number and e-mail for the one who is signing a document.

CSN has the support of article 6.1 in the General Data Protection Regulation for this type of personal data processing.

When you contact CSN, for example by telephone or email, we process the personal data that provide in order to give you the help you request.

When you provide information that is significant to the processing of a case, CSN is obligated by law to register this data.

The processing is supported by the legal basis of public interest in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When you visit a page at, we will save information about your IP address, browser, and operating system. This data is sent automatically from your browser to our servers, where it is then saved in a log. We use this information to ensure that our services work as intended and to produce statistics.

Keep in mind that anything you write in CSN’s social media channels can become an official document. Never disclose private information, such as your or anyone else’s personal identity number. Posts that contain sensitive personal data will be removed from the page.

If you choose to follow or like CSN’s account on a social media channel, or if you write comments on the page or on our posts and advertisements, we will process your personal data by, for example, moderating comments and answering your questions.

Our processing of personal data is based on public interest.

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we process your personal data such as your name, email address, type of school or place of employment, and professional role. The processing of personal data is carried out in order for us to be able to provide you with relevant information.

Our processing of personal data is based on public interest.

When you use the partner contact form, we process your personal data such as your name, email address and telephone number. The processing of personal data is carried out in order to respond to your request.

Our processing of personal data is based on public interest.

When you sign up for and attend any of CSN’s webinars, we process your personal data such as your name, email address, type of school, and professional role. The processing of personal data is carried out in order for us to be able to provide you with relevant information.

Our processing of personal data is based on public interest.

When you subscribe to our press releases or reports, we store your email address.

Your email address is only used for the purpose of sending you press releases and reports.

The legal basis is to fulfil the agreement we entered into with you when you became a subscriber.

You can end your subscription at any time. Should you do so, your email address will be deleted.

The personal data processed by CSN in connection to a procurement or a call-off order include the data which the tenderer submit as part of their tender, which primarily concerns their first and last name, email addresses, and also the information in their CV (such as their employment and education). The purpose of the processing is to conduct and administer procurements or call-off orders, as well as administer contractual matters.

The personal data processed by CSN during the procurement or call-off order process is based on a legal obligation. We need the data in order to comply with the regulations of the procurement legislation.

When CSN has reached an allotment decision in the procurement or call-off order case in question, the documents submitted in the case become public documents. As such, they can be disclosed upon request. The documents are deleted after a certain period of time pursuant to the archival legislation and internal decisions.

When a government agency, company, or organisation invoice us or we invoice them, we may in some cases decide to process personal data such as your name, contact information, and personal identity number. The purpose is to administer the invoice processing.

The processing takes place with support from the legal obligations imposed on us by the accounting legislation and is saved for the purpose.

When you apply for a position at CSN, the personal data that you provide in your application is processed. In addition, personal data may be collected from the references you have provided.

The personal data processed about you include your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, application documents, and other information, such as what you may provide in an interview. It may also be data that is obtained about you, for example, from a reference. In some cases, CSN also processes data relating to results or evaluations about you in connection with personality and skills tests.

When CSN processes your personal data in connection with a declaration of interest or job application, the legal basis we cite is public interest. When we make an employment decision, our legal basis for processing personal data is the exercise of official authority.

If you have applied for a vacant position with us, your personal data will be processed throughout the recruitment process. Once CSN has made a decision on employment, the data will be removed (deleted) after two years. If you have appealed an employment decision or received a job with CSN, we have the right to retain your personal data.

CSN is responsible for the official statistics in the field of student finance. We process personal data to the extent necessary to produce such statistics. The data we use in our assignment within the field of student finance are the same as the data used for producing statistics, together with data that needs to be obtained from Statistics Sweden.

The processing of personal data is carried out supported by the basis of public interest in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with support in the national legislation from laws and ordinances regarding the official statistics.

The data used to produce official statistics are covered by absolute confidentiality that may only be broken in certain special cases. Following a confidentiality review, the data may be disclosed for research and statistical purposes.

Storage and deletion of personal data

The personal data processed by CSN are often considered public documents. The general principle is that government agencies should store public documents. Nevertheless, some personal data shall or may be deleted.

There are specific rules that impose limitations on how personal data may be used then processing a case. If you have taken out a loan with us, we will use your personal data for case-processing purposes after it has been two years since you paid off your loan or after the debt has been settled in some other way. If you have only been receiving grants, we will not use your personal data for case-processing purposes after it has been three years since we last paid out student finance to you or rejected your application.

Following a decision made by the National Archives, CSN stores personal data relating to student finance for archival purposes out of public interest or historical research purposes, statistical purposes, or accounting purposes. The personal data stored pursuant to the decision by the National Archives is kept in a special system with limited access.

If you have applied for a vacancy with us, CSN processes your application documents pursuant to the regulations issued by the National Archives. This means that CSN deletes your application documents and its associated personal data if you have not been offered a position no later than two years after the employment decision has gained legal force. However, if you are employed by CSN or have appealed an employment decision, CSN will store your application documents.

Your rights

When CSN processes your personal data, you have the following rights:

  • You can request information about what personal data of yours is being processed. This is known as a register extract (more information below).
  • You can request that we rectify or delete your personal data if you believe that they are inaccurate or misleading (more information below).
  • You can request that we restrict our processing of your personal data or object to us processing your personal data (more information below).
  • You can request that your personal data be relocated. This is known as data portability. In order for this right to be exercised, the personal data must be processed with consent or due to an agreement.
  • You can withdraw previously given consent to us processing your personal data.

You have the right to be informed of whether or not CSN is processing your personal data. If CSN is processing your data, you have the right to receive a copy of the data and attached information regarding, among other things

  • which categories of personal data that CSN is processing,
  • for what purposes CSN is using the personal data,
  • for how long CSN is intending to store the data,
  • what other parties CSN has shared the personal data with, and
  • from where the personal data was obtained.

If you would like to know what personal data about you we process, you can send us a letter or e-mail. Send letters to CSN, Registrator, 851 82 Sundsvall, and send e-mails to

If you wish to request that we correct, erase or restrict the processing of your personal data, or object to the processing of your data, please contact CSN’s Data Protection Officer.

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected without undue delay.

Under certain circumstances, you have the right to have the right to have your personal data erased, such as if

  • the personal data is no longer required for the stated purposes, and
  • the personal data has been processed in an illegal manner.

If the conditions for erasure are met, CSN will erase the data without undue delay. However, in many cases, CSN is not obliged to comply with such a request as data is processed on the basis of provisions in relevant legislation.

The right to object to the processing of your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation, does not apply to CSN’s student finance activities. This follows from the Student Finance Data Act, which supplements the General Data Protection Regulation in CSN’s student finance activities.

You also have the right to request that CSN restrict the processing of your personal data under certain conditions. Restriction involves marking certain data and limiting their use for specific purposes in the future.

You can, for example, demand that data be restricted when you consider it to be incorrect and request rectification. In such cases, you can also request that the processing of the data be restricted while CSN investigates whether or not the data are accurate. This right differs from the right to erasure, as it concerns restricting the use of the data rather than erasing it.

CSN will inform you when the restriction of your data ends.

Please e-mail your request for rectification, erasure or restriction to CSN’s Data Protection Officer at:

Contact CSN’s Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions or comments regarding how we process personal data, please contact CSN’s Data Protection Officer. You can contact the Data Protection Officer via email, post, or telephone.



851 82 Sundsvall
(label the envelope: To data protection officer)


+46 (0)60-18 60 00 (say that you wish to speak to the data protection officer)

The right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection

The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection is a supervisory authority for the processing of personal data. This means that they monitor how other authorities process personal data, checking to ensure that this is done in the correct manner.

If you have comments about or are dissatisfied with how CSN processes your personal data, please contact the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

More information regarding your rights at the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection website

Legal basis and provisions

Personal data processing is supported by the legal basis of public interest and/or the exercise of official authority in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The rules for how we may process your personal data are set out in the following laws and regulations, among others:

  • The Swedish Student Finance Act (1999:1395)
  • The Swedish Student Finance Ordinance (2000:655)
  • The Swedish Student Finance Data Act (2009:287)
  • The Swedish Student Finance Data Ordinance (2009:321)
  • Regulation (1990:1361) regarding loans for home equipment for refugees and certain other foreigners
  • Act (2017:527) regarding education entry grants
  • Act (2022:856) regarding student finance for transition and retraining
  • Ordinance (2018:1118) regarding driver’s license loans
  • Ordinance (1997:1158) regarding government grants for sign-language education for certain parents
  • Ordinance (1995:667) regarding grants to certain disabled upper-secondary school pupils
  • Official Statistics Act (2001:99)
  • Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100)
  • The General Data Protection Regulation: Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • Act (2018:218) containing supplementary provisions to the EU General Data Protection Regulation
Updated: 2024-10-07
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